The Yuba-Sutter Healthcare Council embraces healthcare professionals including providers, pharmacists, students and community members. All general meetings are open to the public who are encouraged to attend and offer input.
Only Members
​Members determine the agenda and direction of the Council and only members can vote during meetings. Members may attend Board meetings that are closed to the public (except when in executive session).
Members are listed on this website and may be identified at council-sponsored events
Access the YSHC membership as knowledgeable resources for pain management education, materials, trainings and videos (at no-cost to YSHC members).
Network with more than 20 public and private organizations and private community citizens who are active members in the Council’s mission.
Advocate for those that need assistance in successfully navigating the healthcare system and accessing providers.
Volunteer on council committees and sub-committees to be part of the solution to the healthcare challenges in the Yuba-Sutter community, with a special focus on addressing the opioid epidemic.

Members may be asked to serve as an Officer or Director on the Board of Directors*.
*(in accordance with YSHCC board election policies).