About Us

Established in 2003
The Yuba-Sutter Healthcare Council is a network of healthcare professionals and community organizations united in providing comprehensive care and advocacy.
It also helps community members successfully navigate the local healthcare system to connect with providers, as well as community resources.
Together our board members have the ability to network, working toward eliminating hurdles in our community for greater access to community health resources.
Our Mission
Bring together healthcare and key stakeholders to leverage community resources and encourage and promote a healthy region.
Removing Barriers
As we work together to identify challenges with access to comprehensive healthcare and priority community health needs, we continue to make meaningful advances and streamline policies on a local level.
When healthcare organizations and community based organizations communicate, our whole community win!
Our Vision
Create a healthier community through collaboration, education, advocacy, and improving access to healthcare.

Our Values
Advocacy and Education
Compassion and Service to Others
Collaboration with Partners and Community Engagement
Environment is Clean and Healthy
Supporting Greater Access through Provider Recruitment
Strategic Evaluation of Research and Trends for Continued Improvement
Council Duties & Functions

Identify and implement methods to ensure adequate financial support for local healthcare and priority community health needs.
Promote appropriate use of local health facilities and community resources to members of the community.
Attract individuals and businesses to the community to fill identified priority community health needs, including workforce, services and supplies.
Promote training of new and established healthcare personnel.
Speak with a unified voice in Sacramento on healthcare and other community health issues.
Take no action in areas where members compete.